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Transurban chief financial officer Michelle Jablko will succeed Scott Charlton as CEO in October.

Record traffic and inflation drive toll road bonanza

Road traffic growth and inflation-linked toll rises helped tollway giant Transurban earn nearly $1 billion from Melbourne’s drivers.

  • by Simon Johanson
Cortnee Vine and her Matildas teammates bask in the aftermath of Saturday’s thrilling penalty shootout win over France.

Matildas bring ‘halo effect’ for Seven but commercial windfall limited

Seven West Media boss James Warburton has toned down expectations of how much the network has benefitted from the success of the Matildas.

  • by Calum Jaspan

Opinion & Perspectives

Why appointing a female CEO to run a big company doesn’t feel like progress

What passes for success – or even progress – is still a low bar.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

Xi Jinping under pressure as China’s troubles deepen

The Chinese president has so far resisted pulling the trigger on a major move to revive the world’s second-biggest economy. But the push is on.

Jill Disis

The good, the bad and the very ugly: Chinese giant faces collapse

Once China’s biggest real estate developer, Country Garden is on the edge. And doubts are growing over whether its 41-year-old major shareholder will dip into her fortune to try to rescue it.

Shuli Ren

Banking & finance



Would you like a side of spam with your Doordash order?

Spam with your order? DoorDash fined for flooding customers, drivers with promos

The popular delivery service has copped a $2 million fine for spamming customers, including more than 500,000 people who had asked to unsubscribe to its promotions.

  • by Sarah Danckert
Morris Chang, chairman and founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which faces the prospect of higher taxes under the G7 multinational tax plan.

The 92-year-old who changed the world

A textbook inspired Morris Chang to create a company that is now a $US500 billion juggernaut and part of our everyday lives. It also put him at the centre of a technological cold war between the US and China.

  • by Paul Mozur and John Liu

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